GynaeMD Women’s & Rejuvenation Clinic

Infertility FAQs


  • Am I at risk of infertility?

    Contrary to popular belief, the cause of infertility may be because of issues on either the male or female side or both. Another leading factor is age. In general, women aged 35 and above may start to experience a decrease in fertility.

  • When should I see a doctor?

    If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for a period of 12 months without success, you may want to consider seeing our fertility doctor for a detailed consultation and an infertility assessment. For women who are 35 years and older, it is advisable for them to be assessed after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts at conceiving.

  • What can I expect during my first consultation?

    During an fertility screening, both male and female partners will undergo a series of routine tests including medical and physical examination, ultrasound scan and hysterosalpingography (HSG), semen analysis and ovulation assessment.

  • What are the available treatment options?

    Depending on the results of the infertility assessment, our gynaecologist may recommend first line treatments like ovulation induction, surgery to excise growths or adhesions, Superovulation Intra-Uterine Insemination (SO-IUI) or In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) .
